Alice Yu, 2010 River of Words art contest winner

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

The Arts & Healing Network and Zakira: The Child Refugee Photographers

The Arts & Healing Network website and the article, "The Child Refugee Photographers" (2011), by V. Noah Gimbel show how the arts are being used to promote individual and community healing. You will find many parallels between the arts projects in this week's reading and the work of Lily Yeh. I hope that in your future teaching, you will find ways to implement these principles of healing and learning through creative expression.

The Arts & Healing Network

1. Explore the entire website. Notice the many educational resources: films, teacher's guides, books and more. Then, go to the Projects drop-down menu and select AHN Awards. Select any AHN Award winner from the last 3 years (2009-2011) that interests you. Tell us: (a) the artist's name, (b) the name of his/her project/s, (c) the purpose of the project/s, and (d) what makes this art project extraordinary and worthy of recognition.

The Refugee Child Photographers

Read the whole article before responding to these questions!

2. Who started this project, for whom, and why?

3. Describe one photo from the Lahza project exhibition and provide as much background information as you can. As with all art, full appreciation comes with learning about the artist and the context in which art is made.

    For more pictures, go to Zakira's Facebook page:


  1. 1. -Artist's name: Liza Behrendt
    -Project name: Beauty of Water
    -The purpose of her project is to raise awareness and appreciation of water through artistic collaborations. It is also trying to preserve and honoring water.
    -This project is worthy of recognition because it raises awareness of the water and tips on how to preserve and honor it. It shows how important water is and how we should not take it for granted.

    2.Ramzi Haidar is who started this remarkable project. The project was designed for children to use disposable cameras to take pictures of the rubble and anything else that the children felt like taking a picture of really. The project was aiming to allow children to have a voice because most of these children were well below the poverty line. So by giving children a voice and capturing the saddness that surrounds them essentially would be an outcry for help. An adult would not take a child seriously, but a photo can tell a hundred words that an adult would understand.

    3. I chose to go to the facebook page and ended up choosing this photo: Album: (Glimpse) Lahza by Zakira image number 18. This image stood out to me most because of certain marks. First of all, the buildings. The only reason I believe them to be buildings and not huge piles of rubbish and garbage is because there are windows and doors. However, the photographer has made sure to include the whole building. The building looks as if it would collapse even more than it already has and I alos assume that the building is home to the children standing infront of it. By looking at the photograph, I would believe the photographer is wanting the viewer to understand that the problems with their buildings and homes are massive. This building was once a massive building that is now on the verge of collapsing. So by capturing the whole building, the photographer essentially grasps the whole problem and draws the viewers attention to the building. It takes up the whole background as well. Next I will focus on the children in the photograph. Most people have a soft spot for children and when you see a child in or around something that looks dangerous, you tend to feel the pathos that the image is trying to protray. Adults and especially mothers feel the need to protect children, even when they are not their own, so when a mother sees a child in a dangerous situation, her first instinct is to help get the child safe. That is what this image is doing. It is wanting the viewer to see how bad it truly it and feel compelled to make it safe for the children.

  2. 1. AHN 2011 Awards
    a. Artist’s name- Sara Potler
    b. Dance 4 Peace
    c. The purpose of Dance 4 Peace is “conflict resolution, civic education program that promotes empathy, understanding, mediation skills, anger management, emotional and civic engagement through dance in youth around the world.” The children are able to express themselves using movement to music, emotions, and experience. They are given an outlet for expression and the program is being used in various parts of the country and world.
    d. I think dance is a wonderful outlet for people to express themselves. Children are especially expressive and outgoing. They can feel free to move around and express themselves in whatever way they feel comfortable. The program helps the children gain valuable skills that are especially helpful in third world countries where there is conflict and combative governments. Children learn best through hands-on activities, so I think it is great that Sara utilized dance to teach the children about empathy and cooperation. She was inspired by observing the children in an environment they were comfortable in. I think it is also great that she tries to get to the root of preventing bullying which can be a big problem here in the United States. She helps to teach the children empathy and really emphasizes that in the program. It is wonderful when children are able to come together and feel comfortable sharing their experiences with one another, especially with the “managing emotions” part. I found myself pondering this thought…” To date, our evaluations have shown that students who participate in Dance 4 Peace are less likely to choose physical or verbal violence when angry. On the flip side, they are 15% more likely to listen to others, 30% more likely to enjoy working in groups and 25% more willing to try new things.” These statistics in and of themselves should be enough to explain the worth of this program.

    2. Ramzi Haidar, a Lebanese photojournalist created the project for young Palestinian refugees in Lebanon. The project set out to give the children in these camps a voice about the struggles they endure. It was also intended to allow the children to be creative and work their own cameras. They were fascinated by the equipment they saw Haidar using. The Palestinians live in conditions below the poverty line. They cannot own property, struggle with work, and are lacking in health and education. The project sets out to “demystify and humanize the camps inhabitants as a step toward recognition and restoration of their basic human rights.”

    3. One of the photos I found from the Lahza project was by 13 year old Hanan Khlaed Suleiman. It was a photograph of the refugee camp, but in the forefront of the picture were two small children holding hands, looking as if they are about to run. Behind them is a child on a bicycle. It seems that the focal point of this picture is the innocence and happiness that exist in the children. Because in the background there are run down shacks, trash, dirt streets, and broken down cars. The background of the picture shows a community that looks like it is in shambles. However, the photograph gives me a sense of hope and that hope is in the children. Even with their hardships and obstacles, they appear happy and playful. Despite their surroundings, they bring life to the picture. I could not find much on the background of the artist, but what I did find was that the project sought to capture “moments” in the refugee camps. They wanted to see the camp through the eyes of the children, and this picture was the essence of what children see. They see the light, the hope, and the happiness that exist even in the darkness. The photograph showcases the devastation, and wrenches the heart strings as you realize that these children know nothing different than these slums and this lifestyle. It is a strong photograph and the Lahza project was able to help get this message out there.

  3. 1. A)Artist name:Liza Behrendt
    b)project name: Beuty of Water
    c)purpose:"dedicated to expanding the human appreciation for water through artistic collabortation.It is a nonprofit community that created experiences, exhibitions and workshops around preserving and honoring water."
    d)"Water reminds us that there is no separation between our selves and our enviroment" This project appreciates water for what it is and how it will always be a huge part of our lives. I think it is a very interesting and obvious idea to do a project over water..even though many dont even think to appreciate what our bodies could never live without!
    2.Photojournalist Ramzi Haidar started this project to "give a voice to the children, to stimulate their creative imaginations and raise awareness of their plight." The children he is referring to are the ones that were very interested in his camera in lebanon. The project was called Zakira, which meant memory in arabic. These children were allowed no rights, no voice or choices in their country, but this project allowed them to speak through images taken through cameras provided for them.
    3. I enjoy the photo described in the article about "three boys in matching rubber boots surveying a pile of rubble in the middle of a desolate puddlescape." The article talks about how this photograph is a reminder of regeneration. I love that, because even though these children dont have any say about their life right now, and will probably have little to no say at all when they are older, regeneration can be a reminder of hope. In front of the boys eyes, they see a camp completely distroyed with much work left to do,but there are "flowers at their feet, that appear to be growing out of the ruins." Flowers usually a symbol of something positive, like hope, no matter what the circumstance.

  4. 1)A- Betsy Damon
    B-Living waters park in Chengdu, China
    C- to help purify the local water supply and provide pleasant surroundings for people to wander around
    D- this project is worth recognition because, Betsy not only created an area to help purify the heavily polluted water for the people in the surrounding areas but also made it a very beautiful place for people to come relax and observe. I think this is awesome because the area is providing multiple purposes.

    2) Ramzi Haidar, a photojournalist started this project. After realizing that the children refugees were interested in his camera equipment he realized that he could let them use disposable cameras to take pictures of the devastation and whatever else they wanted to photograph. Through this project the children captured the truth of what really happened through pictures and amazing photography done by children ages 5 to twelve.

  5. 1. AHN Award
    a. Sara Potler
    b. Dance 4 Peace
    c. The purpose of her project is to create conflict resolution through dance. It promotes empathy, understanding, mediation skills, anger management, emotional and civic engagement through dance in youth around the world”. A very proactive program to help kids dealing with problems that need some sort of healthy outlet.
    d. This project I think is extraordinary and worth recognition because something that is greatly overlooked with young kids is that they are dealing with problems just as serious as adults. They are younger so their problems may not seem as big, but in their eyes they are. They need a healthy way to express their thoughts and feelings and dance is such a great way. So many meanings can be conveyed through movement and it’s such a proactive way to reinforce the dealing with of feelings. Anger and violence have become too common in schools and with youth. This program shows such potential in helping kids.

    2. A Lebanese photojournalist Ramzi Haidar created this project for Palestinian refugees living in Lebanon. This project gave young kids the ability to take pictures and have a voice. They were given disposable cameras to take pictures of what they wanted. Someone already mentioned how this project was called Zakira, which in Arabic means memory. I think that is such a fascinating way to look at what this project was about. It was allowing these kids who came from such harsh conditions and below poverty lines to create their own memories.
    3. I personally like the very first picture in the article. It shows the kids exploring the ruins in which their surrounded by. I think being able to find an interest in this shows what great potential they have. If you were to put s child of the same age from the US in a situation like that, they would be overwhelmed. We don’t face what these kids do. They have to find joy in the simplest of things, which I think is an advantage in some ways. They can hold on to small hopes and dreams.

  6. 1. a. Ricky Lee Gordon, goes by the name Freddy Sam
    b. The three projects he was recognized is Write On Africa, A Word of Art, and the Woodstock Industrial Center. He was the founder of all three initiatives.
    c. - Write On Africa is a program set up in poor communities and the organization uses murals and workshops to uplift community spirits. The overall goal of uplifting spirits is to “inspire social change”. I really love the groups philosophy it is “Inspire ourselves to inspire others to inspire change”.
    - A Word of Art is all about celebrating the art from new emerging artists, specifically young artists. I think the main goal is to celebrate the emerging artists and their new work to encourage them and motivate them to continue creating and inspiring the world.
    - Woodstock Industrial Center is really neat. It is a building in the heart of Woodstock that Gordon has brought in 75 tenants who are creative enough to transform the building into a coffee shop, skate shop, and bookshop. The building also hosts talks, exhibitions, movie nights, dinners, and drawing events. Basically he has turned a regular apartment building into an artistic haven for people to come and express themselves freely.
    d. Well I think that all three focus on encouraging people to let their creativity out. Write On Africa uses art to uplift peoples spirits and show them through art they can find joy in life. Through A Word of Art, Gordon is encouraging young artists to persevere and continue to inspire the world with their artistic vision. With the Woodstock Industrial Center, he is providing the community with a safe haven to let their creativity shine and be out among others who do appreciate what they have to say. Ricky Lee Gordon says it best when he said “I believe in this -- the Peter Pan philosophy of how we all forget how to fly at some point. We are born to push and pull move, explore and create. It’s just our nature to be creative, so it’s very important for us to release this”. It is evident through his three organizations that he truly values this philosophy and wants to provide a way for others to release that creativity that dwells within us.
    2.Ramzi Haidar is the man who started the project. It was for the Palestinian refugee children. These children have been displaced due to the Israeli invasion in 2006. Now these children live in refugee camps in Lebanon. The goal of teaching these children photography and providing them with the proper equipment is to give them a voice and show the world the devastation that really took place through the innocence of children’s eyes.
    3.There is a photo I saw on the facebook page that shows what looks to be a family (a mom, dad, son, and daughter). They are looking through a window with no glass in remaining in it and the walls surrounding the window are covered with bullet holes. At first glance my mind couldn’t help but think that the image was sad. Looking closer I saw that the family members all had huge smiles on their faces. Noticing that one little detail makes this photo an inspiration and a joyous image. Even when surrounded by toil and heartache this family still has their ability to find joy in the world and in their own lives. This is a good reminder for myself and I think everyone really. I am so blessed with so many things in my life, yet some days I can have such a big pity party because I am stressed out about silly little projects I need to get done. It makes me sound so stupid now. This family is surrounded by scary, terrible situations and they are choosing to smile, they are choosing joy. I think it is important to remember to count our blessings and be thankful for what we have and where we live because there is so much heartache in the world that I will never experience firsthand like some many young children have already seen and grown up around.

  7. 1. AHN AWARD 20009
    a. Joan Carne & Louise Towell
    b. Steam of Dreams
    c. The purpose of this project is to bring awareness to pollution and killing fish and damaging waterways.
    d. First off, I thought it was just so beautiful. I think that pollution is something that is forgotten about sometimes and we need to do more. I also liked that this project incorporated kids and being a early childhood major I thought this was something even I could do with kids.
    2. Ramzi Haidar started this project. The project let kids in Lebanon take pictures of their everyday lives. This project gave a fascinating look into their life’s and the poverty and struggle that they face.
    3. I loved the photo off of facebook with this young girl swinging ( She is on an old swing that hasn’t been painted in a while in front of buildings that are obviously old with cardboard covering some of the windows. I love this picture because she looks so at peace while swinging. It makes me think about my childhood and how I felt so calm and happy while swinging. It just shows how similar all of us, no matter the age or race, can be.

  8. 1.
    A. Liza Behrendt
    B. Beauty of Water
    C. Addressing the recourse water in the environment
    D. I think this project is worthy or recognition because Liza spent many years on this project to spread the word about something that is very important throughout the entire world.
    2. Who started this project, for whom, and why?

    2. Ramzi Haidar started the Refugee project. He stated this project for children living in rough areas in Lebonan. He allowed children to take disposable cameras and use them to take pictures of whatever they wanted to, especially the devastation that was all around them. This helped a lot of the children deal with everything going on in their lives.

    3. I chose a picture from the facebook page. The picture I chose is a young girl standing up against an old beat up wall holding onto part of it. I chose this photo because you can see the devastation around the child. You can tell she has seen a lot of hard times in such a small period of time, and at such a young age.

  9. 1.A. Sarah Putler
    B.Dance 4 Peace
    C.The purpose for Dance 4 Peace is allowing children to have an outlet to release their emotions through dance. Dance is a positive way to release your anger or frustration in a safe and meditating way. I have danced all my life so I know the feeling of letting your anger out through dance.
    D. I believe that this art project is worth recognition because I have seen how dance impacts lives of children in a positive way. Dance is something that I always used as a outlet to relieve my stress and seeing a project using dance to help children express themselves in a creative and positive way is amazing thing. This project is worth recognition for what it teaches t he children.
    2. Ramzi Haidar created the project for young Palestinian refugees in Lebanon. Ramzi is a Lebanese photojournalist who wanted to children created the project for young Palestinian refugees in Lebanon. The project allows the children in these camps a voice about the hardships they endure every day. The children are given their own cameras to work with to show what is going on where they are living.
    3.I chose a picture from Zakiras facebook page photographed by Tarek Yassine it shows a little boy by a dumpster smiling while trash is all around him. I chose this because the boy still looks happy even though he is not in a happy surrounding. It is just weird to see how his surrounding are not affecting his happy personality.!/zakiratheimagefestivalassociation/photos

  10. 1. AHN 2011 Awards
    a. Artist’s Name was Sara Potler
    b. Dance 4 Peace
    c. The Dance 4 Peace is a combination of skills and character building qualities youths around the world need. Youths are able to express their self through music, their raw emotions and life experiences. This program lets them express themselves and is use throughout the world.
    d. I think dance is a wonderful outlet for people to express themselves. My brother’s girlfriend, Hanna, is a dancer and teaches dancing too. The impact she has on her students is life altering. Her students are expressive and outgoing and free to move around and express themselves. Like Hanna, Sara’s program helps the children gain valuable skills that are especially helpful in third world countries where there is conflict is high. Sara tries to prevent bullying and enjoys learning about the Children in a natural environment. This program is amazing and with the data to back it up, more Children need a program like Dance 4 Peace in their life.
    2. Ramzi Haidar started the project. It was designed for children to use disposable cameras to take pictures of the rubble and/or whatever the children wanted to take a picture of. The project was aiming to allow children to have a voice because most of these children lived in poverty. So by giving children a voice and capturing the raw emotions that surrounds them essentially would be an outcry for help. An adult would not take a child seriously, but a photo can speak louder than words.
    3. I enjoy the photo described in the article about three boys in boots who surveyed “puddlescape.” The article describes how a photograph is a reminder of regeneration. I believe these children don’t have any say about their life right now, and will probably have little or no say at all when they are older, therefore, regeneration can be that new hope. In front of the boys eyes, you can see a camp completely destroyed with much work left to do, but there are "flowers at their feet, it seems to be growing out of the ruins." Flowers usually a symbol of something positive, something constantly growing, yet still delicate.

  11. 1.) a.) The artist’s names are Joan Carne & Louise Towell
    b.) T he name of the project is Stream of Dreams.
    c.) T he purpose of the project is to educate communities about the function of their watersheds, rivers, and streams, while simultaneously decorating and charming the community with community art.
    d.) I think what makes this project extraordinary is how it started out and what it’s become. I t started out as two people trying to stop pollution and save local fish and waterways and has turned into a widespread education program that is helping communities all over learn about what they can do to help their watersystems and prevent the extermination of more fish and help make the environment a more cleanly place. They used art to change things and the result was both beautiful and inspiring.

    2.) A Lebanese photojournalist, Ramzi Haidar, started the project Zakira initially dedicated to civic photography. But after the Israeli invasion in Lebanon in 2006 he had a new aim, which was to teach the refugee children about photography and let them show their voice through their pictures and offer a new perspective. He wanted to spark their creativity and make people aware of their struggles.
    3.) One photo I saw was a picture of a family rhat consisted a woman, a man, and a daughter and son. They were looking out a window of a building covered in bullet holes. I couldn’t help but notice the hope in their eyes while they appeared to be in a desolate place. It made me realize what big part faith must play in their lives and makes me realize that I need to be more appreciative for what I have because if they can be happy In an unsafe home than I should be grateful for my blessings. I thought it was a beautiful and meaningful picture.

  12. 1. A. Ricky Lee Gordon
    B. Write on Africa, A Word of Art, and Woodstock Industrial Center
    C. Create murals and workshops in poor communities to uplift and inspire social change. An art space, art projects, and an international art residency program used to inspire young artists. Industrial building with a coffee shop and skate park that is painted by various artists.
    D. Ricky is very young and has been recognized for helping to inspire other young artists. He brings art to third world countries to inspire them and promote social change and betterment for the society as a whole.
    2. A photojournalist covering the refugee crisis. The photojournalist began talking to the children and learning more about them and their culture. It was created for Palestinian refugees in Lebanon. To give voice to the children, spark creativity, and raise awareness.
    3. Boys stand over a pool of water, some higher up, and some on the ground, looking on as one boy looks like he is about to attempt to dive in. Although the area around them is in ruins, the boys still find a way to have fun give their terrible situation.

  13. AHN 2011 awards
    1. Artist name- Sarah Putler
    b. Dance 4 Peace
    c. Dance 4 Peace holds skills and self quality youth. This is where children can come together and express themselves through dance, music and life experiences and create something miraculous out of it.
    d. I think this is an amazing program for children. With children being so easygoing and free, it allows them to put their own ideas into dance and make something of it.

    2. Lebanese photojournalist Ramzi Haidar. Started this program for the refugees of Palestinian and the children there. It was brought on to give a sense of creativity and voice to the children there and give them a chance to express themselves.
    3. The photo in which I found most interesting was the first photo on the website. I really like this picture because it gives off a sense of freedom. Obbviously, from the construction and broken down buildings and the lack of clothing, poverty is an issue. But the children don't let this tear them down and continue to have a good time regardless of the situation they are in.

  14. 1. A) Name: Sara Potler
    B) Name of project: Dance 4 Peace
    C) Purpose: Dance 4 Peace is used to basically bring people together to stop conflict, bullying, and violence.
    D) What makes it extraordinary: I believe this is a great way to end the three things I mentioned in part C. When someone is stressed, many times it can lead to those three things. Dance is a great way to relieve stress, and also to get to know other people. It may seem strange, but dance is a way of expressing yourself. If somebody you know is doing a unique dance that you've never seen before, maybe you do not know them as well as you think. It could be random movements, or it could be something representing how he/she feels, or it could be something to represent their heritage. It's also a great way to bring new people together.

    2. Ramzi Haidar started this non-profit organization. He started for the children in Lebanon so they could take pictures of the destruction, the effects, and basically anything they thought would help them remember anything they thought was worth remembering.

    3. I chose the picture in the article of the little boy in the Mickey Mouse shirt standing in front of the woman who looks like she is about to throw a stone. This image is absolutely tragic and beautiful at the same time. If you take the boy out of the picture, all you see is a painting of a woman who is prepared to fight for or against something. When you add the happy little boy, you see beauty and innocence. He does not understand what is going on, both in the picture and the country, and he is completely happy.
