Alice Yu, 2010 River of Words art contest winner

Sunday, January 22, 2012

Welcome! Introductions

Hello everyone,

Welcome to the ART 3372 class blog! We will be using this site for the online portion of the class. Every week, you will be assigned to view a video or website from the "Links" column on the right side of the screen. For some reason, only about half of the links are visible unless you run your cursor over them. Believe, me they are there - you just can't see them until you click. I will keep trying to fix this problem, but so far I haven't been successful. If you have any ideas, please let me know. 

I will post a discussion question every Wednesday. You will be responsible for 1) visiting the assigned website, and 2) responding to the discussion topic or question, 3) by no later than the following Monday at midnight.  Originality of thought counts. This means that if someone makes a certain observation or remark about a website, you are not allowed to repeat it. Once a comment has been made, it is "taken" and you must come up with a new comment or observation. That way, we'll all learn something new from each other.

The links are arranged in order. The first link in the column (invisible unless you run your cursor over it) will be assigned this Wednesday, along with a discussion question or topic. Your response will be due by the following Monday at midnight. If you do not respond by the deadline, you will be counted "absent" for Monday's class! As it says in the syllabus, more than 3 absences will result in your grade being reduced by one-third letter grade per absence, please attend class, both on and offline.

In the meantime, we'll be having our first class session Monday, January 23rd, starting at 6:00 pm. I'll see you then!


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